Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2000 Nein
~Our rad house in Austin which was made ultra rad during SXSW
:Hamilton Pool
~Goofballs w/Scott
:Pool parties @ Naomi and Annas but not Brad Neeley
~Life altering games of COD
:Playing at Mohawk and sounding good enough to keep the bartenders from doing their job
~Seeing that crazy Mexican guy from the Tarantino movies standing on the corner of 6th and Congress looking super thugged out
~Lady driving a fucked out car yelling, "Club people, wheeeew!" at us. Which wouldn't have been as funny if her car didn't have 7 dogs in it. Which it did.
:Snows BBQ
~Free Beer Tuesdays/Free Rentals at I LOVE VIDEO
:Meeting and petting Pierre
~End of an Ear
:Finally finding a DC character I care about who's not named Batman
~My bike, which took my ass to work and back and all over Austin. I ended up selling it for more than I paid for it. That's the advantage/problem with living in a big bike town.
:Mastering the fuck out of Mario Kart Wii with Joe and his insanely huge TV. The endless joints and 40ies of Mickeys didn't hurt our Time Trials none either, y'all.
~Kens Donuts
:ECP and all the free Toddy Tasia gave me
~Swayze Fest w/Willie
:Acquiring Count Fluffula
~Seeing my first firefly and then seeing a bunch more. Fucking magical bugs
:Driving through the most insane lightning storm I've ever seen
~The Beach (and not the shitty Neil Young album)
:Being back home and making new music and new friends
:Seeing Tom and Jeannies baby girl
~Hanging out with my pops for a few days during my birthday
:Santa Monica Boogie Boarding/The Boys Are Back In Town
~Oakland Rooftop Party/Ask a Texan
:Kenny Hall Mazel Tov'ing a plastic baby Jesus
~Driving Bob Thayer to his modeling shoot and then driving solo across the Golden Gate Bridge while the sun was rising
:Settlers of Catan
~Asterios Polyp (best graphic novel of '09 and best I've ever read)
in no particular order
this year was packed with moving, looking for work, working endless hours for free, and work in general but somethings still made it bearable
-brussels sunday veggie market
-snow on christmas
-summer vacation lyon camping in porto and lisbon
-being able to ride my bike to work
-seeing [where the wild things are] with my little sister, and being reminded of the loft and cuddle puddles
-meeting new people like marta
-marching at cop15
-trains everywhere
more importantly top ten things ive missed in 2009
-the sun
-toast punx :(
-mush feasts
-house shows
-six pack tours
-making music with friends
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
top tops
- Miguel’s birthday.
- “Who do you think you are?”
- Wearing dresses everyday.
- Having people still be surprised that I wear dresses...everyday.
- Smoking weed with my mom.
- 4/20 at Marina’s house.
- Unwed teenage mothers.
- That one time with those certain people at that one place doing that one thing.
- The porch.
- Talking about doing something, then never doing it.
- Actually following through on something.
- Getting woken up at 8am from a call from Miguel telling me he is freaking out in the rain on mushrooms, oh, and can I please come get him.
- Getting him, Willie, Francisco and Jenn and watching the Goonies and the Goonies Cyndi Lauper music video.
- John Anthony LaPorte Esquire the 479th.
- All the books I read this year.
- Last night of Buchon.
What I look forward to in 2010: France, finally marrying a millionaire, new dresses, more beer, and more good times (aww).
Monday, December 28, 2009
Club bonerz jamz
- Singing in a band/ Halloween
- Month long bike rides with my mom
- New houses and old friends
- Discovering that I am not completely useless artistically
- Frankie Teardrop
- Late nights in the woods with loud music
- Watching the moon set with Preston and Marta
- Losing my mind with Zach and Trevor
- Realizing that I am not really going crazy
- Herbal Teas and other disgusting hippy things
- 50 pounds of chocolate
- Finally beginning to understand how awesome music is
- Matching tattoos/late night tattoo parties
- The dank 420 weed smoke
- And of course all the bike rides, hikes, dumpster dives, late night feasts, adventures and missadventures with everyone I fucking know.
Two Thousand Nine
Number Two. Not listing any new music on this list because it all sucked.
Number Three. Graduating college. It took the entire 2000's.
Number Four. After graduation, riding drunk golf carts around Cal Poly's arboretum with Willie at 5am. Then getting left at Buchon by BL because he wanted to fuck Bethany's friend. Then BL's car running out of gas on Buchon and him and friend running to my house to fuck sooner. Then BL fucking said friend both wildly and loudly as my mom and sisters were sleeping in my apartment. Being glad I was left at Buchon for all of this.
Number Five. Stealing 12 30 packs of Natural Light off a beer truck with Miguel, Trevor, Michael, and Tommy. Yeah I fucking said it on the internet.
Number Six. Both secretly and openly despising Michael.
Number Dicks. Using my dick more than I did in 2008. Watch out 2010.
Number Alf. Becoming magically allergic to cats. Thanks Stewie.
Number Z. Getting into a drunken fight with Anthony and Zeb and watching Zeb kick Anthony in the face and break his nose.
Number 420. Using a bong and vaporizer for the first times.
Number 420 x 2. xxxCxAxRxLxOxSxxx
Number 420 x Carlos. Eating hella space cakes on the way to Austin and Miguel almost killing us and nobody caring from being too stoned.
Number LA. First, Second, Third, and Fourth times going to Los Angeles.
Number AFI. Going to Ukiah for the first time.
Number Buddha. Not hanging out with Johnny.
Number Mark. Garland finally becoming less annoying.
Number Ding Dong. Being in my friend's wedding and meeting his baby daughter.
Number Dirt Dress & Tarra. A nice addition to my life.
Number F-F-F-Fuck. Becoming increasing debilitated by my speech impediment.
Number Powers. Tasha Powers getting a boyfriend and leaving me alone.
Number Puke. Finding out the co-worker I was in love with got engaged, causing me to turn really red, sweaty, and wanting to immediately throw up.
Number Toy Story. Getting Woody to finally finally hang out.
Number Yum Yum. Sidewalk Market having the daily sandwich specials.
Number M-D. Mad Dog liquor store in Austin and seeing a crowded show with people only drinking Mad Dog.
Number Gaga. Halloween!
Number Metal! Meeting and hanging out with Peter.
Number Paranoid Android. Getting stoned with Tasia and laughing at her as she freaked out.
Number Mafia Wars. Thanks Kenny :(
Number Padre. Spending a weekend with my dad and only being 90% uncomfortable.
Number Kenny Hall. I love Kenny Hall. (Also please give back my jacket and sex book. I'm sure Rosalind's had enough.)
Number Francisco. For being a dirt bag.
Number Miguel. The all-time winner.
That's my year. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
I didn't put any music. You all know what I listen to when you come over.
2009 according to emily
-that one time we played truth or dare til 6 in the morning
-my birthday
-christmas tree tattoos
-seeing mount eerie
-graduating high school
-throwing a high school party at my house when my parents went out of town
-everyone named mark slowly leaving said party when dystopia was put on
-winter formal
-strobing at da castle
-realizing how rad my dad is
-hating ireland
-christmasfuck house prom
-boofa's smokin word
-margaritaville at the razzz
-the chocolate house with park larker and harvey owen
-"jag off"
-"dear mark...... just curious"
-"gravity, i guess"
-"i'm gonna try to make it back next weekend!!! which would happen!!!!!!! so party more more hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
-"i'm not on anybody's team...but i'm definitely not on their team"
-"oh look abu, it's not everyday you see a horse with TWO rear ends."
The few, the proud:
-mount eerie
-punkin pie
-rudimentary peni
Songs of the year:
-heartbeats - the knife
-tales of lolita - floor
-teenage time killer - RP
-thunder road - every version
-everyone is a whore - hickey
-i surrender - the adverts
-get rid of that girl - the electrocutes
-i do it rite - skip race
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sober Jams
American Football - American Football
Slowdive - Souvlaki
The Cardigans - Lovefool
Marvin Gaye
Black Sabbath - Masters of Reality
K.P. and Envyi - Shorty Swing My Way
Paul Simon - Graceland
Sibylle Baier
Justin Timberlake - Future sex/Love sound
Real Times
1. Playing cheesy cutesy music with Zach
2. Fuck it Fest 98'
3. walking around slo in my slip and brighams leather jacket, watching the sun come up and singing Patsy Cline songs by myself.
4. Breaking that toilet in Boston
5. Riding bikes to the beach.
666. Fuck it.
7. Almost getting killed in a lightening storm in Kansas City.
8. Realizing the impending doom of 42012 and coming to grips with the reality of the inevitable WEEDPOCALYPSE..
9. Late Nights/Early mornings in the kitchen with Micheal
10. Not being a teenager anymore/Still being as angsty as ever.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Last Night
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Carlos' Favorites from 2009
AFI: Very Proud of Ya
Ovens: 44 song album
The Beach Boys: Pet Sounds
Thee Silver Mount Zion: 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons
Brain Bombs: Urge to Kill
Dry-Rot: Philistine
Ceremony: Still Nothing Moves You
Lil' Wayne: C3
This Heat: Deceit
Television Personalities: And Don't the Kids Just Love it
Billy Bao: All of it.
Drunk Driver: Fire Sale & Collaboration with Mattin
All the Skull Collector shows.
Winter Formal.
Wilder Creek shows.
Portland for a month.
Riding trains across the country alone.
All the new bands.(the one with jesse, Pain Culture, and Herse.)
Making out with Miguel.
PUNCH show.
Seeing the Ovens.
The Countless Games of spin the bottle all over this luck coast.
The Lodge.
Fighting natalye.
My new house.
Shoe moving back.(just in time.)
Wall of amps.
And most of all the UNRELENTING DOWN FOR ANYTHING attitude that comes along with this small community we've got.
Being the toast punx right here right now is going to be the best and most memorable part of my pathetic, romantic, snot nosed existence. I'm so in love!
or whatever...
End of the Decade homies
2.getting texas and count fluffula
3.working at emerald city press (i.e. rockin sweet reggae jams and smokin grass at 6 am)
4.playing at mohawk twice right near i <3 video, wheatsville, and amy's ice cream
6.trudy's migas enchiladas with queso
7.homies from CA visiting (SXSW, willie, tarra, anthony)
8.hamilton pool swimming hole
9.going to the library everyday
10.picking up new records at end of an ear
11.kicking/punching holes in the walls of both of our houses
top nicknames for our cats
tex--baby cat, texalini, tex-mex, texaco, squeak baby
count fluffula--fluffy, count puffula, fluffkin, fluffalo, count fluffulon
defining albums/jams of 2009
iggy pop - the idiot
john cale - vintage violence/paris 1919 (this was on my list last year. fuck it.)
rolling stones - exile on main st.
ty segal - lemons
elvis costello - this year's model
stone roses - stone roses
jim o'rourke - eureka
pretty things - sf sorrow
roy orbison - "leah"/"in dreams"
theme song from twin peaks
shakira - "she wolf"
roxy music - "lover"
lou reed - "satellite of love"
peter tosh - "ketchy shuby"
lil wayne - "upgrade"
david bowie - "we are the dead"
suicide - "frankie teardrop"
hilarious things said/thought by customers at the coffee shop/record store or fools in my cuesta class
1. "is that Weird Al on your button?" no, it's patti smith. "same thing."
2. "do you guys have any Beatles here?"
3. "you probably don't even know what a record looks like."
4. "do you guys have any old music on CD? I'm talkin like from the 90s."
5. "where does Don McLean fit in here?" ("here"= the greenwich village folk scene of the 1960s)
6. Grateful Dead/Pink Floyd as the biggest influences in the formation of punk rock
stoked on 2009, looking forward to 2010. i'll be 21 and done with cuesta. movin on to the next city. super cool.
Tops List 2k9
Part One
Billy Bao
Hatred Surge
The Thing (Bag It!)
Angels of Light
Charlie Feathers
Little Gold
Gone Dead Train
Abner Jay
Wooden Wand
The untouchables: Electric Light Orchestra, the Cure and Rudimentary Peni
The teenage heartthrob: TAYLOR SWIFT!!
Books (aka Science Fiction 2kForever):
Philip K. Dick
Ursula K. Le Guin
Stanislaw Lem
Harlan Ellison (thanks Tommy)
the first 30 pages of Nick Blinko's "The Haunted Head" and needing to take a long shower
North Carolina babes/Appalachian honeys
Getting a pomp
Maintaining that pomp
Realizing the 1950's were never in fashion, followed by the subsequent haircut
Smoking weed with choice babes
Going to the gym and meaning it
DIY dermabrasion (also file under: Why Tattoos Should Be Heavily Considered)
Coming out with being into BDSM to the fam (if you didn't know yet - oh hey, guess what I do on my free time...)
Growing into someone who looks less goofy with age / more goofy with trainwreck boozing
Playing RPGs with "the guys" when I'm not hurt from work, sick, or broke
Learning and enjoying true solitude and pacing myself around others
Waiting for when I fall out of blissful love with my dogs and being okay with the wait
Having my career/life goals finally gel and enjoying all that I do
You all have been great. Looking forward to next Thursday
Mark. 2009
-i walked with a zombie - roky erickson
-my rules - void
-time: the donut of the heart - j dilla
-shadows of tomorrow - madvillain
-im bored - zero boys
-memory lane - eddy current suppression ring
-i can't hang - ovens
-multicolor - yussuf jerusalem
-getting older - the clean
-dawn in the face - eat skull
-on some faraway beach - brian eno
honorable mentions
lil wayne / sun ra / daniel higgs / the hospitals / rbl possee / iggy pop
most listened to albums (in no order)











Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tops of 2009
Top 10 Best of the Best in 2009
1. Getting paid to set up a community garden with kids
2. Vegan Chili Cheese Fries in Chicago
3. Miguel
4. Q 104.5
5. Graduating College
6. Pissing myself consistently throughout the year,
but only in my own bed (besides that one time)
7. Eating mushrooms before sunrise on a rainy
day at the beach with Migs, Francisco, and Jenn
8. Getting saved by Alex when we were stuck in the car,
drinking coffee, drying off, and watching
The Goonies for the first time together
9. Croce's Pizza
10. Keg in a Sauna
Honorable Mentions
winter formal, fermentation, the rothko chapel, hike through the train tunnels with preston, tommy, and mary jane, mexico (twice), giving/getting stupid tattoos, getting evicted, free trip to sac and spending boofa's birthday with him, swayze fest '09 in austin (before he died!), underground city in houston and finally eating migas, the unbearable lightness of being, cleveland
Top Five Shows of 2009
(but I can't remember many from earlier in the year)
1. RVIVR / Shang-a-Lang / Underground Railroad to Candyland / The Bananas in San Francisco
2. North Park Awesome Fast
3. South by SouthDRESS
4. Halloween Show at the Lodge
5. FUN in LA when Steve Dave went through the front window
Music I Listened to Probably Way to Many Times this Year
Otis Redding
Alabaster Skeleton
Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers
Los Saicos
The Marked Men
Elvis Costello
Paul Simon
Gentleman Jesse and his Men
Thee Makeout Party
Fuck yeah, pretty good year overall. I'm stoked to see what everyone else puts in their top lists. Hopefully it's all a bunch of awesome stuff that I forgot about.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Broad Fest Update
-meeting @ Boofa's on friday (around 9pm)
-some kind of flyer with list of confirmed bands by sunday
-we need at least 2 more PA's (we have 1 full one and 1 head) if you know anyone that can help us put SPEAK UP!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Broad Fest
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Christmas Party at The Razzz
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I'm totally getting paid right now!