Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Help build a summer DIY venue for SLO

There is a giant mountain near the Cuesta grade. The Thou show will be the first one held there (thanks to the help of others, especially Matt Miller.) We will be having shows there as long as the weather permits during the summer, and hopefully it makes the next few months definitely more inspired and unique.

There is one problem - the road leading to that mountain is haggard. It is only one mile, but it is one mile full of potholes. Today, Reuben, Tommy and I worked in filling some of the holes in, but obviously this will need a bigger effort.

The saturday after next (which would be the 14th of June) everybody who can help needs to help patch up that road. If we have six people it will take a good part of the day, and the more the faster we get it done. All we need to fill it in is sandbags, shovels, and some elbow grease. Sand bags are twenty five cents each at the Home Depot, and we can get enough shovels. Getting sand from the play areas at parks, while seemingly mean, takes out barely ANY sand and gives us more than enough. We filled twelve sandbags from the same spot and we didn't hit the bottom.

We need to patch that road so that touring vans and cars of the people going to the show can get there without worry of blowing out a tire or getting stranded on a hill. Its impossible to think that we could ever find a place to do shows for free without work or hassle, but this is the next best thing for us. It's a great scenic place, isolated, and as long as we take care of the place we should be able to enjoy ourselves wonderfully. If you have any interest about helping get that road in order, please post here and we'll work things out. The rough schedule is to be at Buchon house at noon on the 14th. If you want cool bands to play in SLO, you better do this - a little hard work for something we all love should be worth it!

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